Step 1 – Navigate to the Media > Add New from the WordPress dashboard.
Step 2 – Upload font file to your site. For example: font-name.woff
Step 3 – Copy the file url after the upload is complete.
Step 4 – Navigate to the Apperance > Customize.
Step 5 – Open the ‘Additional CSS’ pane.
Step 6 – Add the CSS code below. With this code, we will add the font to the system.
@font-face { font-family: FontName; src: url(; font-weight: normal; }
font-family: Enter font name. Example: Lucia.
src: Add the file url you copied in parentheses.
Step 7 – Add the CSS code below. With this code, you can select the classes, ids or elements you want to define the font.
.class-name, .header, .footer {
font-family: "FontName", Arial, sans-serif;